Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Goals for this Year

Well traffic for the blog was up 290% from last year and it appears to be due to the number of posts and the frequency of the posts (September saw quite an increase in traffic when I did a post a day). I've learned over the past year that search engines, mainly Google, send roughly half of this site's traffic. To try and continue the growth in traffic I'm going to plan on doing 150 posts this year (compared to 127 last year), that's an average of 12.5 posts per month or 2.9 posts per week. I usually cruise the Discussion Group looking for topics, but with a goal of 150 posts this year I might need some help coming up with ideas for posts, so if you have a topic you want covered post a comment or send me an email (Christopher at

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Some real world topics like labeling parcels for plats. How to show and label pipe intersections for storm laterals and merging storm lines. commercial grading is always a good topic. maybe some non conventional uses like parcels for drainage areas with some kind of custom tables.
