Saturday, February 07, 2009

AutoCAD 2010: Polylines

I've decided to blog some more about AutoCAD 2010 and ignore Civil 3D 2010 (probably for the next two months). One of the new features I think is cool and will improve productivity is the following two features (taken from Between the Lines):

  • Polylines can now be sub-selected i.e. segments of plines (also called as sub objects) can be sub selected using CTRL key
  • Users can sub select the segments of Polylines during 2D editing commands such as move, rotate etc.

It's kind of hard to read those two features and get what you can actually do with it. So in this post I'm going to explore what you can do with these new features. First as the feature says you can select a sub object or multiple sub-objects of a polyline.


I was thinking it would be cool to select the segment and delete it, but you can't. You can grip edit one of the grips and when using the stretch grip edit it moves the whole segment keeping it as the same angle and adjusting the adjoining segments.


So in the above picture I'm extending the line to the right using polar and the two adjoining segments are getting longer. As the feature list indicated the other grip options also work as shown in the picture below.


I've just shown the new feature with one segment selected. You can also grip edit more than one segment at a time. For instance in the picture below I've extended the vertical lines to the west of the previously modified segment to the east.


You can even select segments from two different polylines and modify them. Hopefully you can see why I think this is a good new feature in AutoCAD 2010.

So why no Civil 3D 2010 related posts? Because I think I should test drive the new feature before blogging about the feature. I have confidence you can read press releases or view videos and me blogging about the features that I don't really know about doesn't benefit me or you. I currently don't have access to Civil 3D 2010 and don't expect to get it until the free trial download is available. I do have access to AutoCAD 2010, so that's why I feel comfortable blogging about those new features.


  1. This seems like a neat feature, but I'm wondering why this is a big improvement over selecting multiple grips with the shift key to do the same functions? Thanks for the post.

  2. When you select the segment the grip does the adjustement on the segment selected. Currently if you try to grip edit two points and try to rotate it the whole polyline rotates, in 2010 while grip editing a segment the segment rotates while the rest of the polyline either stays in the same place or adjust to the segment modified. You also have less selections when

  3. Alan said
    This seems like a neat feature, but I'm wondering why this is a big improvement over selecting multiple grips with the shift key to do the same functions? Thanks for the post.

    Less work to do
    Earlier it was
    Select object
    Then Hold shift
    precisly select one grip at a time to make it hot

    Now it is
    hold CTRL
    Do a Implied window selection on the Segments (not vertices)
