Sunday, March 29, 2009

Civil 3D 2010 – vb.NET Samples

This is one of those what new posts. I don’t particularly like doing them, but I have goals and these posts prove really popular with Google searches. One of the new features of Help, more specifically AutoCAD Civil 3D Developer Help, is AutoCAD Civil 3D .NET API Reference.


Also included is a link to the Developer Center, while the site isn’t new the link to the site in Help is.

Probably the best part of the new help is the vb.NET samples. The vb.NET samples appear to be the VBA samples that shipped with previous version of Civil 3D, but ported over to vb.NET.

I found the Civil 3D .NET API Reference total Greek and not very user friendly for those not in the know of everything about .NET. So for it to be useful you definitely need to know the terms for .NET.

1 comment:

  1. Wow very interesting. I'm going to have to check this out.

