Friday, August 07, 2009

Navisworks - Saved Viewpoints

I’ve been exploring how to use Navisworks over the past few weeks off and on. I’ve found that there isn’t much information out there on how to use the Navisworks programs. The product doesn’t come with any tutorials and the classes on Autodesk University seemed more about the final product more than about using the program. This is a post on how to add temporarily saved viewports in Navisworks Freedom 2010, the steps are the same for Navisworks Manage 2010 except that they are saved with the model.

The first thing to do is zoom, pan or orbit to the view you want to save. Then open the Saved Viewports, if it’s not docked on one of the sides you can open if from the Workspaces toolbar.


You can either leave it minimized or use the pin to stick it to the side of the window.


Next right click in the white saved viewport area and choose Save Viewport.


Now you can select an item in the list and it will go to the saved view.

Here’s a video showing it in action:

Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that the Saved Viewpoints are saved when you close the model. So if you want them to stick it looks like you are going to have to have a purchased version. The viewports are saved in Navisworks Manage.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Check out the line up of classes this year at AU2009, there are many different sessions that will help out.
