In reality this is about day a lot since I’ve been working 32 hours a week for quite a bit, but just recently I’ve been downgraded to 0 hours a week. I haven’t been officially laid off, but 0 hours a week is pretty close to it. I’ve noticed that lots of blogs go dark once the blogger gets unemployed such as the The Civil Chick, Stream Restoration Engineering with Civil 3D and Civil 3D Question and Answer (and probably others) Although some have posted recently. I think that its not the time to dark, but to continue to post to see if work leads present themselves or possibly some side jobs to supplement my income until I get a regular paycheck again.
In the meantime I’ve spent some time signing up for an Ebay account to sell some items, anybody interested in a Jeff Foxworthy comedy album?
Today I’ve also gone and found a old copy of my resume that I need to update.
And now for a Civil 3D tip. When finding the horizontal distance between points you don’t have to set the point style to not have elevation, you can use the Inquiry tool, the CGLIST command or the CGSLIST to get the horizontal distance. The hard part is getting out of the habit of using the dist command to find the horizontal distance.
That sucks. I got brought from 55 hrs, 40 hrs, to 32 hrs and then 8 hrs, then bye bye. Hang in there. But I wouldn't expect great things for 2010. Keep produce content and making network connection. Let me know if I can help.
ReplyDeleteWow i'm sorry for your misfortune. Like they say, when one door closes another one will open eventually. Just try to think positive.
ReplyDeleteTony Carcamo
Senior Design Tech
Sorry to hear that Chris. Hang in there and I hope everything goes well again next year.