Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Does That Color Print? – CTB

Have you ever had to use a new CTB file and not know how the pens will print? There is a relatively easy way to figure it out using the Chroma.DWG drawing file that ships with Civil 3D (and AutoCAD). The file is located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010\Support\chroma.dwg

Open the file and print it out using the new CTB file.


If you want to know the pen thickness of lines take edit the block representing the colors and replace it with a line making sure to change the color of the line to byblock.

For the other colors they use solids so you’ll have to draw lines for them and then use match properties to get the correct colors. It took about 5 minutes to print out both representations of the pens. A fairly easy task and easier then trying to decipher a pen table.


  1. Another solution is to upload your CTB/STB to this website:


  2. You can upload your CTB/STB to this website:

