Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Superelevation Report – Part 2

In the imagelast post we did some housecleaning and collected the superelevation information from an alignment. Now that we have collected the information we need to output it to our report. To do this go into the ReportForm_AlignSuper.vb class. Right click on a portion of the form and choose "View Code”.

Within this class you should see some lines starting with oHtmlWriter.RenderTd. These lines of code add a column header. We’ll modify and add to these lines of code for the information we’ve collected. Rather than use a localized string we’ll use text enclosed in quotation marks. I suspect they use the localized strings for the various terminology differences around the world. For instance I never have the opportunity to use the carriageway terminology they use in England.



Now that we have the headers filled out I’ll add the information for the rows of the table.


Now all imagethat needs to be done is to run the report and check for errors. I happen to have 24 errors, though most of them appear to be due to not having Microsoft Office installed and not pointing to the AutoCAD references. I went ahead and removed all references and added a Reference Path to the AutoCAD folder. You can find the steps to add the reference folder in the Sincpac setup post.

Now the report will build without error and I can try it out in the next post.

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