Friday, February 04, 2011

An AutoCAD Tip on Tracking

The Super Bowl is this weekend, and that means its bandwagon time. You know bandwagon time right? It’s when the person you’ve known for years suddenly is wearing the logos, extolling the virtues of the team that just one the Super Bowl. Well I’m not rooting for a football team, but I am rooting for a tracking command. Lynn Allen and rkmcswain posted on tracking and I’m jumping on the bandwagon and contributing my own post.

Both of their posts focused on using the TK transparent command to track where you wanted an object to go, I’m going to post about oTrack. oTrack helps you locate where you want something to go based on a point. You can use Polar or the Extension oSnap (and probably more) with it.


In this example I’m going to be moving a vertex from it’s location to a point at the same Y that’s in line with the X value of the point above and to the right of it.


Here’s the command in action. Note that the oSnaps need to be on to get it to work.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Here’s another example with using the extension oSnap.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Have fun Super Bowl Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I may have to go back and add an animation to mine... Thanks.
