Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to list elevations on an EG or quick profile at specified distance?

There’s more than one way to answer this question. Here’s two of the ways I thought of to accomplish the task.

Create a polyline where you want the elevations at a the specified distance. Create Civil 3D points using the Measure Object method, using the specified distance.


While selecting the points, right click and choose Elevations From Surface..., choose the appropriate surface. Then the points will have the correct elevations. Either print out the plan view or select the points in one of the point reports or copy the information from Prospector.

You can also use Profile Major Station Labels by adding a profile elevation property to the major station label, although this won't work on a quick profile (at least in Civil 3D 2010). Of course one needs to create alignments and profiles to do this.

You can find other methods here.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I'd like to know how to list a design elevation from a profile at a certain station in Civil3D. There was an option on the profile pull down menu to do this in LDD. This seems to be missing in Civi3D. Is this still possible to do?

  2. Check out the Inquiry Tool on the Analyze Tab. This should do what you are looking for.

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Thank you Christopher. Unfortunately I don't have an Analyze Tab. This is probably from a later version? I'm currently running 2009. The inquiry tool that I do have does not support this. Nor does it seem to allow you to list a tangent anymore. Two tools I need very regularly and used many times a day in LDD. I'm lost without them. The only 'work around' I can figure out is to draw a line at a station and offset it to the station I want to inquire about. Then draw a line over the profile at the same point to allow me to inquire about that point intersect. It's crazy and wastes time but seems to be the only way. I still can't list a tangent though. Looks like I'll have to brush off the college engineering books to remember how to calculate vertical curves.
