Tuesday, March 22, 2011

AutoCAD and 3DConnexion (and Giveaway)

OK, I’ve been keeping quite about a new feature in AutoCAD 2012 since I first saw it in action at Autodesk University, support for 3DConnexion devices within AutoCAD 2012 (and Revit 2012). 

SpacePilot PROWith the release of AutoCAD 2012 the 3D mice produced by 3DConnexion are now better integrated into AutoCAD 2012. The 3D mice work quite nicely moving models around in Navisworks, Google Earth and now AutoCAD (and verticals).

Using the 3D mouse is easy as you use the cap to push, pull and rotate the model. There is are axis locks available enabling the device to act as pan and zoom tool. Just push the cap in the direction you want to go (or the opposite if you have it reversed) and the view adjusts to your movement.

Now I haven’t tried it in Civil 3D 2012 yet or AutoCAD 2012 so I can’t say how well it works or doesn’t work. But I am excited to try it out when I get my hands on Civil 3D 2012. I suspect with the new level of detail feature in Civil 3D it will work well with surfaces, although I have my concerns with corridors.

For one lucky reader of this blog will win their own Space Pilot Pro, complements of 3DConnexion. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment with your name and tell me what feature of Civil 3D 2o12 you are most excited about. You can check out my list of Civil 3D 2012 features or Autodesk’s. On April 5th I’ll have a fellow Civil 3D blogger pull a name out of a hat and that person will win the 3D mouse.

If you want more information about the 3D mouse visit 3DConnexion’s website.


  1. Hard to say, but if I had to pick one, it would probably be overall style capabilities. Vault is nice though, and catchments, and... I know I have to stop.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think importing from GIS datasets is really powerful, as more orginizations work to store information in a database, it will be ideal to generate large scale information models from a city GIS file. I'm interested in learning more about the detail of SSA improvements too.

  4. i like the label rotation functionality. finally!

  5. the_mini_guy3:14 PM

    I am looking forward to the surface analysis by range enhancements, so when i am cutting multiple surface assessments i can quickly knock them out by range (m) vs number of ranges and have to reset them all - each time.. sweeeeeet.
    Twitter @The_Mini_Guy

  6. Finally can section view more than one baselinesin a corridor and cut sections across intersections.

  7. Are the new features in 2012 fantastic looking or what? The big banner improvements are great but I really think that it's the smaller, everyday improvements that I like most.

    Well that and the "nudge" command. I use that feature in Photoshop ENDLESSLY. I can't wait to get it in AutoCAD! The new point cloud indexer looks pretty awesome also.

    - KFD -

  8. I'm most interested in the ease of importing and purging styles.

  9. SSA integration within c3d 2012.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Definitely the ability to display just more than the baseline corridor in section.


    The elevation banding style intervals - HUZZAH! HUZZAH! And thrice HUZZAH!

  12. I like the choices for picking point of rotation for superelevations.

  13. Its a tough call but I think the best new feature is the Style management. After that it would be either the new surface banding or alignment constraint. Both are issue I have stuggle with daily.


  14. Style management first, but importing GIS data is a close second.

  15. I am looking forward to the integration with 3DX Max along with the Storm and Sanitary Analyzing software.

  16. style management, definitely...

  17. Do multiple comments count? How about multiple WITTY comments? Ah, now we are on to something with that!

    - KFD -

  18. As the go-to person for the development of the Civil 3d template, I'm looking forward to the style management function.

  19. Denis Cutter9:39 AM

    I'm looking forward to the surface rendering the most. That is going to be huge for us. The next one is the styles management. Finaly I'm looking forward to showing corridors in angled sections.


  20. GIS Data collaboration will be interesting. This is a good start to an even higher potential.

  21. by far the style import and purge functions are my favorite

  22. The visualization integration looks like it's gonna be great, really looking forward to that! -Andrew

  23. Corridor Sections, and SSA improvements. I have read a sentence on pipes.

  24. Me coming from the CAD management point of view i am excited of course for the Style features that are finally real.

  25. got to be Vault for me.

  26. I'm a visualization geek so I will be looking forward to the improvements in 3D surface display & memory management (32 bit XP on a slow machine...)

  27. I look forward to the visualization components with 3d Max

  28. The multiline labels on Pipes will be useful for some of the short pipe runs we have.

  29. I like the point rotation feature.

  30. The style management feature will be useful.

  31. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I like the new style management feature.

  32. Alot of good new features, but I think the rotation of the point text will have the biggest impact on my everyday workload.

  33. We have a project that could really use the GIS interaction. It will be interesting to see how this feature works, and if the flow of information goes both ways.

  34. I'm not sure how I would use it, but the sampling of multiple corridors into one cross section will probably be useful for many.

  35. Adjusting the way Alignments are displayed without changing the geometry? That seems cool.

  36. Definitely Styles and Settings Management!

  37. Purge styles! Ah keeping things tidy will be so much easier...

  38. I am definitely looking forward to being able to see multiple corridors/baselines on a section. It has been a huge headache for me in the past.

  39. More than sytle management, I'm looking forward to having style purge capability.

  40. As a GIS technician, who lives and works with a Civil technician, I'm looking forward to the GIS capabilities. He'll finally be able to read my files, and hopefully I'll be able to incorporate his.

  41. Having used the Transportation extensions in 2011, I'm glad they are incorporated into 2012.

  42. The option to specify axis of rotation would be useful to me. Now if C3D could only handle RR cant or include an option to define deg of curve on a chord...

  43. The people in our office will like the ability to rotate labels.
