Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Point List Report

So you go to create a report using the Toolbox and the Point List Civil 3D puts out isn’t in order. Well it is in order, the order created, but you want them to be in a more logical numerical order. What to do? Well if you were me you’d do this.

Open the file that controls the report in Notepad (or other text editor), in this case it’s:

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2011\enu\Data\Reports\xsl\pointlist.xsl

Next we need to tell the report to sort the list before it process the points. For this report the location is right below this line:

<xsl:for-each select="//lx:CgPoint[not(@pntRef)]">

A quick internet search for xsl and sort, gives us the information we want. To sort the list we need to add these lines under the above line:

<xsl:sort select="@name"

The report will now run with the point list in order. If we want the list sorted by another field, then change @name to the desired field.


Want to add more information to the report? I can provide services to do just that. Contact me at the email on this page near the top right for more information.


  1. Hello, I have a question about the same xsl file. How can I set the accuracy (0.00 or 0.000 ...) in raport. I know I can set it in program but I want to have several raports in different configurations.
    Krzysztof (Poland;))

  2. Hello, I have a question about the same .xsl file. Can you tell me how can I set the accuracy (0.00 or 0.000 ...) of coordinates? I know I can set it in programe but I want to have a several raports in different configurations.
    Krzysztof (Poland;))

  3. You can always copy the xls file and create a report for each precision you desire. Instead of letting the program use the precision change it to use a set value. I don't have the post handy, but one my blog posts should cover how to go from a hard coded value to a rounded value. You want to do the opposite of that blog post.
