Today Civil Reminders is announcing the cessation of development of the Civil 3D Reminders Pack. For the past 3 years the Civil 3D Reminders Pack has been provided free to whoever choose to download it. Many of the ideas for the commands contained in the pack came from readers of the blog, questions from the Civil 3D discussion groups, and solving issues to make me more productive.
In the future the commands will be improved with better user interfaces, error catching, and adding more capabilities and incorporated into the SincPac-C3D. The SincPac-C3D is developed by Quux Software. Currently the SincPac-C3D contains the following Civil 3D Reminders Pack commands:
CorridorExtractPolylines - Extract multiple polylines from a Corridor, even through an XREF.
DLLabels - Dynamically link Profile View labels to Profiles and Pipes.
SSMRenumber - Renumbers pages in a Sheet Set.
SwapPipeNetworkParts - Swap multiple network parts at once.
The Swap Parts lets you swap multiple pipes and structures at one time instead of individually as Civil 3D now requires. The swap Pipe Network Parts now includes an option to determine the match point of the swap for pipes. Previously in the Civil 3D Reminders Pack the match point was the center of the pipe.
I’ve been working on the DLLabels command for quite a long time and it’s finally available. It allows you to link a profile view label to a pipe or a profile. No longer do you have to manually adjust your crossing pipe labels or labels callout out finish grade or existing grade (you still have to verify the label doesn’t overlap other labels or objects). As an added application for this command you can show the crossing pipe as a block in the profile view label to show a more rounded pipe rather than a tall crossing pipe that may look like like a fat line when printed out. Here’s a short video showing the command updating a profile linked profile view label.
The CorridorExtractPolylines has an added dialog box to allow you to select which feature lines to extract as 3DPolylines from the corridor. This is an added improvement for the command, previously the feature line codes needed to be typed in. The command lets you extract feature lines from a corridor in the drawing or through an Xref.
In future versions a dynamic sewer lateral linking command will be included. If you want to adjust pipe laterals to a main line pipe try using the undocumented command DLSewerLaterals in the SincPac. The command is still in development, but will adjust the laterals in one pipe network to the main line pipes in another network. Although it currently won’t dynamically update to changes in the main line pipe. Here’s a short video showing a more complete version in action. Got suggestions for this command? Send me an email at
The SincPac starts out at a reasonable price of $175 for a module and $350 for a full edition. Volume pricing is also available.
thank you for this article, it is very useful :)