Sunday, September 16, 2012

SAC–Define Variable Value

Occasionally it can get fairly confusing on what a variable a value should be or I don’t want to use a Decision Workflow node. In these cases I’ll use a Define Variable. By defining a variable I’m able to encapsulate what a value should be throughout a subassembly without having a decision point and two different branches going out. In previous post I created an example for a decision workflow that adjusted an Y value. This is troublesome in that I now have to sets of node to show the same geometry. By using a Define Variable, I can avoid this problem. I replace my Decision with what is shown below.




I find it easier to work with SAC when I encapsulate the variables and not use decisions. I find it makes it easier to read what the subassembly is supposed to do and reduces the amount of points and links that are in it. There is also a performance hit the more points and links that are in the file, so using this method helps in the performance of creating complex subassemblies.

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