Thursday, June 26, 2014

Projected CogoPoints to a Profile View

Sometimes we want to show 3D information in a drawing, in places such as a profile view. If only we had a 3D Civil Engineering software program. Unfortunately we are stuck with Civil 1-1/2D to do our design and we have to do workarounds to get 3D information to show up correctly. In this case I want to project a multiview block into a profile view in order to see the shape of an Urban Industrial Bin. Now I can’t get it to show up by just including the Multiview block in the profile view.

In order to get it to show up I need to create a block of the multiview block in the position that I want to show in the profile view. Now if you might have worked with multiview blocks before and found that they only show in the plan view in plan view. Unfortunately Autodesk hasn’t programmed the multiview blocks to show in the appropriate view when the multiview is projected to a profile view.

In order to fix this definition and get the program to Civil 1-3/4D we can follow these instructions.

  • First insert a block that represents the model view of the Multiview block. If it is an Autodesk created multiview block it should have an _M after the block name.


  • Next rotate the block to the correct view you want it to show up in the profile view. You might want to try utilizing the 3DRotate command. My block looked like this once I was done.


  • Next copy it with a base point and paste it as block. Then right click and rename the block that makes sense. In my case I called it UrbanIndustrialBin-Profile.
  • Now project the CogoPoint to the profile view desired.
  • Create a Point Style that will reflect the exaggeration of the profile view and the block created for this purpose. Here are my settings.


Here is in the Project Objects to Profile View dialog box.


Now my project object looks like an industrial bin is hanging out on my profile view.


So while it’s not easy to do, it is possible to get a multiview block to look correct in a profile view. Now it won’t be perfect, but it’s closer then what we did have.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hole in Surface for Retaining Wall

Sometimes quantities overlap and we want to restrict it to a certain area. We can create a boundary around the area we want excluded.

The first step is to extract feature lines from a corridor. This can be done from the Launch Pad and select Create Polyline From Corridor (on the drop down).

Next select the feature lines you want it created from.

Next draw a 3DPolyline to connect the ends of the two feature lines created.

Then go to the Modify Tab on the Ribbon and select the Join Command.

Then add in AutoCAD properties set the 3DPolyline to be closed.

Then add the 3DPolyline as a boudnary to the Datum surface.

This will cause Civil 3D to not calculate quanties where the hole occurs.