Saturday, January 24, 2015

Section Labels of Surface

Often times we need to label what type of line a section line is. In this case it is Ex. Grade and Prop. Grade.

Now the hard way to do this is to use a multileader and then move and adjust them with each design change. There is a an easier way that is a bit more dynamic. The way I do it is I create a corridor just for these two labels. For the assembly it’s a LinkWidthAndSlope for horizontally where you want the label to be placed and then a LinkSlopeToSurface to get from that point to the surface. It should look something like this.


The settings I use are shown here:


The values for the Existing surface are similar. Then all you need to do is to create a corridor, assign the code set showing the correct labels and then create polylines for the existing and proposed to control where the labels are placed so you can move them around on the section view to miss other labels. I usually end up with multiple code set styles to control how the labels are shown. Here is a drawing showing everything except for the polylines as targets and having multiple styles.

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