Monday, August 24, 2015

Civil 3D is Now Officially Built on AutoCAD Architecture

Way back when; Civil 3D was quasi acknowledged to be built on top of AutoCAD Architecture Desktop. If you felt that Profile Views are just fancy floor plan grid lines then you felt correct. Unfortunately with earlier releases of the program most of the Architecture commands where stripped out of the program. Try to draw a window in Civil 3D you’d get a command not found message. Now there is a way to add those commands back in, just install AutoCAD Architecture on the same machine as Civil 3D.

Want to create slope lines between two lines? Then use the Escarpment command.

Image Source

Want to draw a wall, go ahead and use the wall command. Want to draw a window within that wall? Then use the window command. Want to create window styles? Then use the WindowStyle command.

You can even see that it’s official on the about product information after installing AutoCAD Architecture. 


Any command that doesn’t show up requires loading the appropriate program file from the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2016\ACA folder. There are even the cui file you’d need to get a ribbon, although my license had expired so I couldn’t get the profile from AutoCAD Architecture to test it out to make sure it worked.


  1. That's good news though I don't see the cui file anywhere..

  2. I see the cuix files in the c:\users\appdata\roaming\autodesk\aca2015\enu\support directory, but when I loaded one, I still don't get the commands to work. I tried escarpment just to test.

  3. I still don't get the commands to work. I tried escarpment just to test.

  4. I don't Architexture installed on my machine as such but still is shows up in the "About" dialog.

    Escarpment works for me with no problem but I also have the DACH extension for Civil 3D which seems to be required?

    Command: ESCARPMENT
    Loading AEC D-A-CH Application...

    and trying the WINDOW command

    Command: WINDOW
    Loading AEC Area Base...
    Loading AEC Architectural Core...
    Loading AEC Architectural UI...
    Window [Add/Properties/STyles/Hinge/SWing]
