Couldn’t find a list of Civil 3D COM contexts so here is a list of some of them. Feel free to leave more in the comments. These are for AeccPartDataRecord information.
Geometry_Distance2D 200 Catalog_Domain 201 Catalog_PartType 202 Catalog_SubType 203 Catalog_PartName 204 Catalog_PartSizeName 205 Catalog_PartDesc 206 Catalog_ID 208 Catalog_PartID 212 Catalog_PartHide 215 CustomSize 216 DataVersion 217 Content_Type 300 Material_Type 301 WallThickness 400 SweptShape 401 PipeDiamter 402 PipeInnerHeight 403 PipeInnerWidth 405 MinCurveRadius 406 FlowAnalysis_Manning 407 FlowAnalysis_HazenWilliams 408 FlowAnalysis_DarcyWeisbach
Civil 3D .NET API Reference
Sorry for infrastructure there are some formuls