Monday, February 26, 2018

Surveying Related Ideas

Often times we need to create rectangles to represent existing features that look like rectangles.  To save time surveyors will shoot two points and then in the office convert those two points into rectangles. With lisp we can automate the rectangle creation down to picking two clicked points.

  • This forum post has some lisp code that does just that. Here is a link to a text file with the code extracted in case the forum post goes down.
  • To run the lisp save it to a text file with the extension of .lsp
  • Type Appload at the command line.
  • If you want to run it once, select the file from the upper portion of the Appload dialog box.
  • If you want the lisp to load everytime AutoCAD is run, then add the lisp file to the Startup Suite.


A second desired workflow is to create a point at the intersection of two selected objects, the objects don’t have to intersect. The objects may be arc, line, polyline, lot line, or feature line.


To start open the Point Create Creation Tools.


Then under the second drop down choose the Object/Object option.


Then follow the prompts. This will create a point where the objects intersect. If you want to remove any of the prompts you can change the settings of the Point Creation command using the double down arrow on the right of the Create Points toolbar.

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