Tuesday, May 28, 2019

AU Class Submittal: Transportation Intro Class in 90 Minutes

A real class or cover for a why Civil 3D isn't BIM class?

Class Title: Transportation Intro Class in 90 Minutes

Class description:
A fast-paced class intended to take a three-day transportation-focused Introductory Civil 3D Class and squeeze it into 90 minutes. At the end of the class an off-ramp will be modeled and cross sections will be ready to be printed. The class will cover a wide range of Civil 3D viewing, and TIN Surface operations. Roadway design will include alignments, profiles, corridors, sharing data, superelevation, and report generation. 

Class format
Instructional Demo

Length: 90 Minutes

Learning Objective 1: Create an On-Ramp including an alignment, profile, and corridor.

Learning Objective 2: Create a widening or pullout for a maintenance area.

Learning Objective 3: How to apply and modify a Superelevation for an On-Ramp.

Learning Objective 4: Create and use Surface Data.

Briefly summarize your class: A transportation class focused class on how to do a basic Freeway On-Ramp using Civil 3D.

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