Monday, November 23, 2020

Privacy Policy

 1. Identify and describe the data, if any, that the App collects, how that data is collected, and all uses of that data.

Any apps created by Civil Reminders or Civil 3D Reminders blog does not collect any data. The app may use the Autodesk App Store entitlement to verify the license is authorized and any information for this process is stored by Autodesk and not Civil Reminders or Civil 3D Reminders blog.

2. Confirm that any third party with whom an App shares that data will provide the same protection of that data as stated in the App’s privacy policy. Examples of such third parties are analytics tools, advertising networks and third-party SDKs, as well as legal affiliates of the Publisher (parent, subsidiary, related entities).

Verify with Autodesk if they follow the rules. I don't control what they do.

3. Explain Publisher’s data retention and deletion policies.

No data is retained by Civil Reminders or Civil 3D Reminders. Refer to Autodesk to determine data retention and deletion policies for use of the Autodesk App Store Entitlement process.

4. Describe how end users can revoke consent and/or request deletion of their data.

No data is collected or retained. Refer to Autodesk to determine their process to revoke consent and/or delete data.

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