This method needs improvement, but it does create a AutoCAD table of bearings and distances or any other information you want added.
- Map>Object Data>Define Object Data (add field for tag number)
- Map>Object Data>Attach/Detach Object Data
- Go to lines and assign number in properties window (for tag)
- Map>Tools>Export
- Save as ESRI SHP file.
- On the selection Tab choose line and the objects you want exported.
- On the Data tab add the information you want in your table.
- Save the profile for use the next time.
- Open the *.dbf that is created during export.
- Copy the cells you want for your table.
- Paste Special the cells into AutoCAD as AutoCAD Entity.
- Change the format of the angle cells to Surveyor's Units.
- Use the Annotation feature under Map to add the Tag labels.
You may need to fill the holes by using Help, you may even find a better way and not have to export the file while looking in Help.