It’s that time of the year for school fundraisers. My daughter’s school has chosen the Innisbrook as the service provider for the fundraiser. If you wish to support her quest to collect prizes (she is in 1st grade); order some stuff using the information below. They are offering a plethora of stuff including wrapping paper, make-up, chocolate, magazines, gift bags, tumblers, things for girls on the go, candles, bottle stopper’s, cookies, measuring spoons, brownies, spices, nuts, ribbon, lotion, body wash, birthday cards, brain games, final touches, and more…
Here is the form letter from the fundraiser provider:
My school's annual fundraiser with Innisbrook has begun. Innisbrook Wraps has beautifully designed gift wrap printed on quality recycled paper, coordinating gift wrap accessories, gourmet foods and fine Helen Grace Chocolates that make great gifts, Time Inc. magazine subscriptions, and more.
For every item that is purchased, Innisbrook donates up to 40% of the purchase price to my school. I also earn a prize credit for every item purchased. The more prize credits I earn, the more prizes I win!
Please consider visiting the Innisbrook website and making a purchase on my behalf. A link is included below. Our sale will be over soon, so don't wait. Place your order today.
Thanks for your help!
Seller: SEDONA Seller ID# R285148G
School Number: 102730
Click this link below to visit the site and they will recognize me and my school automatically.
If the above link does not work:
1. Click below
2. Select Shop the Innisbrook Online Store
3. Enter School# 102730 and Select Go
4. Select Continue
5. Enter Seller ID# R285148G
Here’s my daughter’s pleading for the opportunity to earn prizes:
Please buy this stuff. They have ones with almonds in it. There is one’s with just chocolate, there are ones with chocolate and blue squirrely lines on them. Daddy I don’t know what those are. And on the top and the inside. Chocolate with funny shapes with nuts or something. A mint I think. Something with yellow stripe, but I don’t know what the filling is. (she then read the description reluctantly and determined they are lemon filled). And then theirs something sprinkled on it, and a filling that I don’t know what is (couldn’t read the description). Chocolate things with pretty diamonds on them. And then I don’t know what these things are, I can’t read the first one. And then I have to turn the page and there are these things.
Definitely a shorter request, we’re going to have to work on her selling skills.