
Sunday, September 16, 2012

SAC–IsLayout and Conditionals

Sometimes using Subassembly Composer we can do some quite complex things. Often times we want to show a scenario in Layout mode and combine it with if targets are valid during roadway mode. To do this we can combine If statements by using the keywords AND or OR. This way we can use the same code and control how the subassembly will be shown in both layout and roadway.

For instance if I want to have a branch where I want to show a branch if in Layout or if the Offset Alignment target I’ve added to the Subassembly is valid. I’d use this string:



This provides the ability to control how the subassembly will be shown in Layout and Roadway Mode.

Here’s an untested SAC file for your use. If Google doesn’t let you download at first refresh the page and Google should change it’s mind and let you download the file.

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