Set up your site in HEC-HMS and get your results. Select the basin's outflow that you want to analyze in HydroCAD. Get the results of the hydrograph outflow into a tabular report in HEC-HMS:
Select the column for the outflow cfs and copy it. Open up the LinkTest.csv sample link file that comes with HydroCAD.
Rename and place the file where you want it to be, modify the file as indicated below. If you want to add additional comments, just precede them with // as shown in the sample file.
Here's my finished file:
Once in HydroCAD drag a link into the workspace and right click on it and choose edit. Change the Link Type to Import hydrograph file and then from the File tab browse to the file to add it to the link. Make sure to select the outflow you want to use.
When you double click on the link it should show you approximately the same hydrograph that was in HEC-HMS.
1 comment:
Very well portrayed, I'm glad I found your post.
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