Have you noticed something missing from the DaylightBench subassembly that ships with Civil 3D? I have, its missing some of the items required by the Uniform Building Code and International Building code (IBC). Specifically Appendix J: Grading, Section J109: Drainage and Terracing of the IBC. The section require terraces, with a ditch or swale, to be placed on slopes greater than 3:1 and at a not to exceed 30 foot vertical intervals. The swale or ditch is required to have a minimum slope of 5%. While not applicable in flat areas, it is required in the hilly portions of the world.
In order to solve this issue I come across every once in a while; I decided to create a custom subassembly that targets a profile to be able to create the minimum slope of the swale. Subsequent bench spacing is based on the Maximum Cut or Fill height specified. Below is a plan view of a corridor using the custom subassembly.

If you want more information on how the subassembly works check out the help file on Google Docs.
In order to help pay blog related activities (such as crashing Autodesk University, going to AEC DevCamp or snacks while writing blog posts) I’m offering the custom subassembly for sale. Select the version you want, and press the buy now button. Once I get it in the email, I’ll email or send a link for the packet file and provide instructions on how to import the packet file into Civil 3D. I’ll also provide support for the custom subassembly, fixing any bugs that may come up.
Got a need for a custom subassembly or other customization of Civil 3D? Send me an email of what you want to accomplish and I’ll provide a quote to provide that service.
The custom daylight bench subassembly does not provide for a wider middle bench as required by the IBC if more than two benches are required.