
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Civil 3D 2010 – UK and Ireland Content Pack

In the new version of Civil 3D you are able to install content packs. I looked at the California Content Pack, but couldn’t really tell why it was special to where I work. I did look at some of the other content packs and found some cool tools. In this post I’ll explore some of the extra tools that come with the UK and Ireland content packs.

In the Toolbox there are some additional tools.


The 2D to 3D Contours Conversion takes 2D polylines and assigns an elevation to them.

The surface analysis tools are handy to transfer surface elevation analysis from surface to surface and from one drawing to another.

Convert Blocks to COGO Points takes blocks and creates points from the insertion points.

I didn’t have a drawing available that I could tryout the Drawing Frame Grid to Viewport, so I’m not quite sure of what it does. It does sound good though. In my next post I’ll go over the Additional Tools available in the ANZ Content Pack.

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