
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Surface Subgrade Surface – Finished

The Surface Subgrade Surface has been finished, you can download the finished product here:

Here’s a brief video of the final product:


Anonymous said...

This seems like it would be a very useful app for me. Is there a way to update it for C3D 2013? Thanks much.

Christopher Fugitt said...

Yes, it is possible. On the link to the right: Download the Civil 3D Reminders Pack 2011 Free Edition

The source code is on that page, one can update the references in Visual Studio Express 2010 and the recompile the code along with some other changes. I don't have time right now to convert it though.

Anonymous said...

Would I essentially follow what you discuss in 'Upgrading to Civil 3D 2013 (Programming)'?

Thank again, Christopher, great stuff!

Christopher Fugitt said...

Yes, that should be correct.


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